Description: There is a problem in the main motor.
Remedy: Open and then close the front cover.
Code: 26
Display: Memory Dial Full
Description: You are trying to schedule a fax job when memory for storing fax jobs is full.
Remedy: Wait until a scheduled job is complete.
Code: 27
Display: Memory Full
Description: The memory is full.
Remedy: Delete unnecessary fax jobs and retransmit after more memory becomes available. Alternatively, split the transmission into more than one operation.
Code: 28
Display: MP Tray Paper Empty
Description: There is no paper in the multi-purpose tray.
Remedy: Load paper in the multi-purpose tray.
Code: 29
Display: Not Assigned
Description: The speed button or speed dial number you tried to use has no number assigned to it.
Remedy: Enter the number manually using the number keypad or store the number or address.
Code: 30
Display: Open Heat Error Cycle Power
Description: There is a problem in the fuser unit.
Remedy: Unplug the power cord and plug it back in. If the problem persists, Replace to the Fuser Unit.
Code: 31
Display: Operation Not Assigned
Description: You are in the Add Page/Cancel Job operation, but there are no jobs stored.
Remedy: Check the display to see if there are any scheduled jobs.
Code: 32
Display: Out Bin Full
Description: The output tray of the machine is full of paper